Wednesday, 24 October 2018




  • Visualization is a simple process whereby one communicates effectively with the subconscious mind.
  • The aim is to impress the subconscious mind with the dream one desires to materialize in reality.
  • Visualization is done in present perfect tense.
  • No future tense is used.
  • The process is completed by expression of gratitude.

The following preconditions are important-
  • The desired dream is not at the cost of any harm to any living entity.
  • The attitude of the doer is totally compliant with mother nature's supreme values ie  freedom,peace,love, compassion, truth and  non-violence.
  • One should have have full faith in the process.
  • No doubts in the mind whether it will work or not.
  • No trace of any negativity in the mind.
  • Expression of deep desire of freedom, non-violence, peace and love  for every living entity in the universe.
  • Developing the above attitude in real life.
How to make the visualization process effective ?

Our mind perceives the external world through our five sense organs.  Therefore, to communicate with my subconscious  mind I thought it will be more effective if I use my five senses  in the process - vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch.

I can give a strong analogy with imagining myself preparing a cup of tea.  
  • First step is apply my  mind to decide to prepare a cup of tea. 
  • I use vision to collect together the materials required - tea powder, milk, sugar, tea pot,spoon, tea cup etc.
  • I can hear delicate sound of my stirring the hot tea in the cup with the spoon.
  • Ahhaa, yes,  the aroma of fresh tea  in the room which I feel very stimulating.
  • And that taste of the freshly prepared tea on the tongue satisfying both my body and soul.
  • I feel the warm touch holding the hot cup of tea in my palms.
Till now, on four occasions I have used  this process while applying visualization technique and it was amazing experience for me that I achieved remarkable results on all these occasions.  What materialized in reality was exactly as I had visualized. 

I also ran short clips of the visualization in my daily routine whenever I got spare time and I was relaxed. 

My dear readers, I have shared my experience just to make you aware that such thing does happen if applied in right spirit and right manner.

P.S. :The dream should be positive, realistic, logical, harmless,  and has potential of  probability.

Next time .....

Wednesday, 17 October 2018



Subconscious mind - 

A few years back I read a book by Dr. Joseph Murphy -The Power of  Your Subconscious Mind- a very significantly useful book on the subject.
what about training subconscious mind
The great significant book

Before I go further, it is essential to be aware of the meaning and potential power of subconscious mind. 

Subconscious mind 90 per cent plus  conscious mind 10 per cent together form our total mind.
This conscious mind leads our mind in the material world we live in. We try to perceive the world the way our conscious mind desires. It controls the voluntary body functions.
However,our involuntary body functions are controlled by our subconscious mind. For example, our vital systems function round the clock controlled by the subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is also treasure of wisdom gained from our earlier life'. It is our common experience and observation. that some people are afraid of fire, some are afraid of swimming,some are afraid of motor bikes.
What could be reason? 
Because in earlier life their mind had a very sad,bad and unfortunate experience out of which a cautious lesson is learnt  to keep away from such things in the present life.
Intuition is one such effective way of communication from the subconscious mind,when our mind is in relaxed mood.
The subconscious mind perceives only in terms of present tense.
One can train the subconscious mind by effective way of communication with it to gain desired health improvement.
Ten minutes just before going to bed and ten minutes just after getting up in the morning are of most important and suitable for communicating effectively with subconscious mind.
First thing is expression of gratitude.
Then asserting the desired things positively in present perfect tense : 
  • I am perfectly healthy. 
  • I am healthy.
  • I am wealthy.
  •  I am strong. 
  • I have this brand new car. 
  • I have happy married life. 
  • My heart is healthy and strong. 
  • My kidneys are functioning perfectly normal. 
  • Both my lungs are perfectly normal. 
  • My life is fruitful and I am enjoying the same. 

The affirmations can be listless. One can select suitable one after due consideration.
Note that each statement is in affirmative and in present perfect tense.
This is concluded by prayer for peace in the world as well as health and welfare of each living soul.
During our daily chores also,when in relaxed mood, the same process can be followed to gain advantage.
The above process will be more effective if  supreme values of life are understood, respected and duly imbibed in real life viz ,like freedom, peace, love, compassion,mercy,pity, non-violence, welfare of each and every living being.
I have experienced great and amazing results on practicing the above in my personal life.

Next time ......

Tuesday, 16 October 2018




In this context , I remember few words of ancient wisdom which I think are very relevant.
Do not ever try to improve others.
Try improving self first which inevitably leads to awareness of such most difficult task.
When one can not control self how one is able to control others?
The Hindu Religion believes and identifies four yugas -
  • Satya
  • Treta
  • Dvapara
  • Kali.

Satya Yuga is the highest in the order. 
And the present Kali Yuga is the lowest.
The devolution from Satya Yuga to Kali Yuga is due to a step by step decadence of righteousness which directly originates from downfall in the quality of moral, ethical standards of human society.
Even Bhagwan Krishna could not improve Duryodhana.
Prabhu Ramchandra could not improve Ravana.
So it will be observed that in every society in the world history,the existence of polarities is an essential aspect of life existence.  
To tackle any system of the bad, antisocial, anti human, elements is obviously beyond the personal capabilities of any individual. 
In fact, at times it is great responsibility and challenge for an individual not to get damaged by such elements present in the inevitable day today interactions in life.
Thus, to achieve this goal of not getting even slightly damaged by such negativity, we have to have the ability to understand the meaning and significance of supreme values of life-
  • Freedom
  • Love
  • Peace
  • Truth
  • Non-violence

In addition to this, we have to understand the polarities in values which enables us to make right choice while taking decisions in our life, like truth and untruth, right and wrong, moral and amoral, ethical and unethical and so on. 
By learning the above and imbibing the same in our practice, we can make the least minimum personal  contribution by not creating  problems for existence of others, not only human being but for any living entity. 
Therefore, by following this Dharma -righteousness - we can initiate the process of improving the world around us. And let us remember that this is a continuous process in our life.  And if every body follows this practice, the world around will definitely be happy and conducive for a constructive and meaningful life for every living entity.
Do you agree ?
Let me know your comments please.
Next time ......

Monday, 15 October 2018




My recent experience made me aware of this term Dopamine.  I learnt from the internet that Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a chemical released  by nerve cells to send signals to other nerve cells in the body and keep them active.  This creates the sense of feeling good. 

Following food sources  increase dopamine level in the body.

Dopamine source
Dopamine source

  • almonds
  • avocados
  • bananas
  • dairy products
  • pumpkin seeds
  • sesame seeds
  • fish
  • chicken
Regular physical exercises increases natural level of Dopamine in the brain.

Natural way of increasing Dopamine :

  • Sufficient intake of Protein rich food
  • No saturated food
  • Probiotics - these are live bacteria and yeasts good for digestive system
  • regular exercises
  • sufficient sleep
  • music
  • meditation
Doctors prescribe supplements to increase Dopamine level.

Recently I have received dose of Dopamine when I was informed that my blog Sarasar Vivek has been listed in Top 25 Motivational Blogs by

Also, Sarasar Vivek has been included in Indian Motivational Blog on

 It has made me feel good appreciated.

Next time .......

Sunday, 14 October 2018



The Secret of Happiness
Happiness expressed !

  • Accept reality.

  • No comparison with others.

  • No involvement in other's affairs.

  • No expectations from others.

  • Be grateful for what I am and what I have.

The Secret of Happiness

  • Compassion for every living entity. This includes following strict vegetarian diet. (Of course, I am a Brahmin, a pure vegetarian from birth.)

compassion towards every living being!

  • No criticism of others.

  • Ready to share my learning from experience in life, only if asked for.

  • No insistence on improving others.

  • Always learn new things, acquainting with latest technology in communication.

  • Always prepared to learn and learn in my life. Believe in learning is a continuous process in life.

  • Love to observe nature,sunrise,sunset,birds,pet animals, communication among birds,animals, their behavior.

  • Love children. I am aware we old people can learn from children.

  • Love not only family members but every one I interact in life.

  • Never think of past.

  • Never worry about future.

  • Prefer living at the moment.

  • I have great respect for my seniors in age not only in relation but also unknown older person.

  • I have nothing to bother about financial matters, I am financially independent,by grace of God.

  • I never complain about anything,even about climate changes.

  • I do not hesitate to mix with individuals  even from lower strata of society.

  • I always keep company of wisdom.

  • I seek wisdom and recreation in reading quality books,not essentially motivational only.

  • Try to imbibe good thing least by reading quality books.

  • I go through periodical medical check ups to ensure good health.

  • I take care of my mental health also.

  • I am aware one must seek and achieve happiness which is first step towards attaining peace of mind.

  • I am also aware that one's ultimate goal in life is transformation in own life on the path of attaining the ultimate spiritual stage of Moksha , the great liberation from the life cycle.

  • And of course I keep on putting efforts in that direction.

WHAT DO YOU SAY ? Please comment.

Next time.....

Friday, 12 October 2018




Mental Bath
Every Living Being Likes Bathing

image source : my mobile phone


The essential step towards achieving good physical health is taking bath regularly. 

Some people even take bath twice in a day - in the morning and in the evening.
And so much attention is paid for the same.  Soothing oil, fragrant soaps, creams, different types of brushes,scrubbers and what not.  Due to effective commercialization there is wide scope for choosing. 

As if this is not enough, nowadays, it is time for using deodorants of different fragrances.  Superfluous things always get more attention than the core issues.  For example, nowadays every body talks of Yoga saying ' I do Yoga'.  And what is the overall impression? You will see people,especially old, with full modern gears like track suit, t-shirt, sports shoes, earphone plugging in ears, a mobile phone, the yoga mat bundled in a stylish plastic container hanging from the shoulder and ready to go to do Yoga.  If asked what is meaning of Yoga, hardly 10 percent will be able to give right answer. 

People often go to beauty parlors to get various treatment for the main physical aspects that contribute to their physical appearance, and thus their overall impression on others.

For Hair -  haircut, perms, colors, shampoo conditioning, curling, reconstructing, weaving and waving etc.

For nails - manicure, pedicure, polishing, sculptured nails etc.

For skin care - Body waxing, massages, Facials (European and Indian) etc.

Nowadays, Body Spa services are also available.  This treatment slows the ageing process, facilitates regeneration, restores normal blood circulation enabling normal supply of oxygen throughout the body, eliminates toxins present in body and helps release of hormone serotonin which  makes one naturally feel good. 


According to Ayurveda, an ideal health is a state wherein the body is not having any toxins, all body systems function normally, the mind is peaceful without any agitation.

In Indian culture,  Ayurvedic Panchakarma,  the centuries old treatment,  the Indian version of latest  Body Spa concept, is very well known all over the world, the purpose of which is cleansing of various  internal body systems, like digestive, excretory, circulatory and all other vital systems.

But generally we are not aware of influence of our mind on our health. 

A disturbed mind leads to health problems.  A calm and peaceful mind ensures sound physical health.  This has been proven fact.

Our old generation was very well aware of this. People of my age may recall the morning, evening and late evening prayers and recitations in the family.  I still remember how the entire atmosphere used to get transformed conducive for healthy and positive thoughts, leading to pious feelings in mind, a unique state of calmness of mind and no any trace of agitation in mind. We children were used to recite Rama Raksha in the morning and Deeparti in the evening.


In my childhood, I had seen elderly people, after taking bath, regularly going through chanting of auspicious mantras. When I curiously used to ask them as to why they do this chanting, they simply smiled and replied that they feel good having done so.  But later, at my grown up stage, I found that one can get the following benefits out of chanting of auspicious mantras.
  • Reduced heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Reduced breathing rate per minute. (This is obvious.  In agitated mind condition the breathing rate increases.  When one's mind is calm, the breathing rate comes down.  Normal rate is 16 to 18.  By regular mantra chanting it may come down to 6 breaths per minute.
  • Enhances the willingness to get deactivated.
  • Enhances relaxation of mind.
  • Enhances physiological functions controlled by the subconscious mind.
  • It helps to have awareness of self conscience and strengthen it.
  • Increases awareness of supreme values of life- freedom, peace and love.
All this mental bath technique effectively serves the purpose of maintaining sound mental health thereby sound physical health.

In fact, in India, for generations, this has been tradition in a typical family to have mental bath every day thereby ensuring that every child develops awareness of polarities in values of life like truth and untruth, moral and amoral, justice and injustice, natural and unnatural, healthy and unhealthy and so on.  
This awareness enables the child to make right choices in such polarities as to imbibe the right values in life and lead a responsible healthy life. 

Are you taking regular mental bath along with physical bath? 

Or you will start to take mental bath?

Let me know your comments on the above please.

Next time......

Thursday, 11 October 2018




This type of question is indicative of spiritual awakening of the seeker.
Why there are infinite number of living forms like single cell amoeba to most complex human being?
If one refers to study of evolution one will be aware of numerous forms of living thing.
Recent scientific research has shown there are more than 8.7 million living species on the earth- 6.5 million on land and 2.2  million in  sea.
Incidentally, it must be mentioned here that  the Hindu Religious scriptures advocate this number as 8.4 million and in that hierarchy human being is the most evolved living being.
Further curiosity arises as to what if we were born as an ant? Or a dog,a horse, a house lizard, a snake, a bee, a crab, an octopus,to name a few.
Let me ponder on the subject beyond and above religion,caste,creed and race.
What I understand and believe is this universe is controlled by universal soul and all the living beings are fraction thereof. The soul learns in each and every life cycle and attains next higher life form,the ultimate form in this order of evolution being that of human life.
Here one's responsibility is to attain further spiritual gain in each life to achieve the ultimate level of getting merged in the universal soul,the Great Salvation,  the Liberation.
But in human life there are lot of temptations and hurdles for the unfortunate soul towards downfall to lower own's own  life form.
One's own downfall takes no time. It is easy to kill the helpless living forms for example ants.
But universal soul respects supreme life values like love, freedom, compassion, attitude of live and let others live, creativity, blooming to the utmost and so on.
It is simple logic- if one can not create life ,one has no right to destroy any living entity.
Respecting and imbibing the supreme values in life enables a soul to attain that spiritual up-gradation as to be able to get merged in the supreme soul.
And what this means?
That is the ultimate purpose of life - Moksha, the Liberation from the life cycle,the Great Salvation. Therefore,it is often said that one should not waste this human life which is the achievement after going through the numerous life forms of 8.4 million lives and ensure spiritual progress for attainment of Moksha, the Liberation from the life cycle. One's downfall will cause one soul to get entangled in the infinite life cycle.
Thus, the purpose of human life is to become aware of this reality and act wisely for achievement of one's own ultimate gain  on spiritual path,  ie Moksha.
Do you find it worth imbibing?

Next time ......

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