Thursday, 11 October 2018




This type of question is indicative of spiritual awakening of the seeker.
Why there are infinite number of living forms like single cell amoeba to most complex human being?
If one refers to study of evolution one will be aware of numerous forms of living thing.
Recent scientific research has shown there are more than 8.7 million living species on the earth- 6.5 million on land and 2.2  million in  sea.
Incidentally, it must be mentioned here that  the Hindu Religious scriptures advocate this number as 8.4 million and in that hierarchy human being is the most evolved living being.
Further curiosity arises as to what if we were born as an ant? Or a dog,a horse, a house lizard, a snake, a bee, a crab, an octopus,to name a few.
Let me ponder on the subject beyond and above religion,caste,creed and race.
What I understand and believe is this universe is controlled by universal soul and all the living beings are fraction thereof. The soul learns in each and every life cycle and attains next higher life form,the ultimate form in this order of evolution being that of human life.
Here one's responsibility is to attain further spiritual gain in each life to achieve the ultimate level of getting merged in the universal soul,the Great Salvation,  the Liberation.
But in human life there are lot of temptations and hurdles for the unfortunate soul towards downfall to lower own's own  life form.
One's own downfall takes no time. It is easy to kill the helpless living forms for example ants.
But universal soul respects supreme life values like love, freedom, compassion, attitude of live and let others live, creativity, blooming to the utmost and so on.
It is simple logic- if one can not create life ,one has no right to destroy any living entity.
Respecting and imbibing the supreme values in life enables a soul to attain that spiritual up-gradation as to be able to get merged in the supreme soul.
And what this means?
That is the ultimate purpose of life - Moksha, the Liberation from the life cycle,the Great Salvation. Therefore,it is often said that one should not waste this human life which is the achievement after going through the numerous life forms of 8.4 million lives and ensure spiritual progress for attainment of Moksha, the Liberation from the life cycle. One's downfall will cause one soul to get entangled in the infinite life cycle.
Thus, the purpose of human life is to become aware of this reality and act wisely for achievement of one's own ultimate gain  on spiritual path,  ie Moksha.
Do you find it worth imbibing?

Next time ......

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