Saturday, 22 September 2018



Why Still I Feel Proud To Live In India
Image Courtsey :

The question indicates some element of prejudice in it - filthiness, extreme poverty, unhygienic foods,illiteracy, poor living condition, poor state of public transport,etc.
I intent to answer not as patriotic staunch Indian but more so as a retired,happy and active person living in India right from my birth (and till my death- God forbids).

Therefore I don't need lavish photographs and videos to substantiate what I say.
I think it is our mind that desires to perceive the world around through our sense organs.
 And it is our mind which decides what to perceive.

Image source: My mobile Gallery

For example when a student who wishes to pursue higher education,when he happens to come to city, he will eagerly desire to collect the information regarding well known schools and colleges in that locality,the quality of faculties,the availability of coaching classes,the libraries.
He will be least bothered to find out about the locations of bars and restaurants, the movie theaters,the molls,the gardens as he has no interest in that.
A farmer concerned with farming will be focusing on new techniques in farming,research in genetically modified seeds,  new breeds of farm animals etc.
A womanizer will try to find the places in the locality to serve his carnal purpose.
In short,what one sees depends on what is already in one's mind.
Now what is that which guides one's mind in deciding what to perceive in the world around?
It is one's sarasar vivesk ie one's power of discretion.
This power of discretion enable one to discrete between good and bad,moral and amoral,truth and untruth,violence and non-violence,justice and injustice, and such opposite polar values in life. 
And not only that,the power of discretion also enables to decide the appropriate choice of the two.
In addition to the above, one is able to take responsibility for the consequences of one's own decisions instead of running away from the reality.
It is obvious India is leading IT revolution because of application of sarasar vivek. Human welfare is dominant purpose instead of intentions to dominate the world. 
It is worth mentioning here that in the history of past centuries, India has never invaded any country in the world. 
All the fights it has indulged in have been for self defense.
And advancement in materialistic world never guarantees peace of mind. It may give happiness for a duration. But after that human always try to seek spiritual path to attain peace of mind.
It is for this reason that for centuries in the past and even now people from developed and richest countries turn Eastward to India for their spiritual attainment.
Then  do not care about what I have initially mentioned in the beginning -
Poverty,illiteracy, unhygienic living condition,blind faith and other such things.
In India people having ensured physical hygiene also give importance to mental hygiene. For this,they are more particular about taking mental bath after the physical bath.
I need not elaborate about physical bath. Every body knows that. 
But a little elaboration on mental bath.
It is now proven fact that health of mind affects physical health. Hence it is essential to have regular mental health.
First thing in this direction is one has to clean one's mind by eradicating all the negative thoughts. And the space so cleared should be filled in by positive thoughts.
It is for this reason that we Indians after taking bath perform prayers,then read shlokas and stotras from our religious scripture and by this way impress our mind to absorb ancient wisdom of our ancestors, and life values towards attaining peace of mind. 
Because it is a fact that one life is not enough to learn and attain wisdom essential for one's spiritual progress.
It is for this reason there is no question of compulsion to still live in India.
Even every Indian desires to welcome one's own death on the beloved mother land.
What do you say?
Next time .....

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