Monday, 6 August 2018

Deodorant challenge

Deodorant challenge

I learned about this term ‘Deodorant challenge’ on the net.  

Deodorant challenge means holding a can of aerosol deodorant on the skin and spraying for a longer period.  This is latest craze among the teenagers. The change in the temperature on the skin can cause serious burn injuries.

So I decided to learn more about what is deodorant and antiperspirant.  And by doing some search on the net, I gathered the following information.

Both these terms are related to the natural process of regulating the body temperature and discharge the toxins.  When we are experiencing hot weather, or too much threat to our own existence, or go through physically stressful activity, the natural process of cooling the body temperature starts what we normally say sweating. Note here that profusely sweating is one of the main symptom of heart attack.

The perception developed that sweating leads to bad body odour, thus irritating the people we interact with.  

Here again, the criteria are different for different people we interact with, eg. peer group, our superiors, and most importantly with the opposite gender. This perception led one to experience lack of confidence, guilt feeling etc. 

By taking bath regularly, once or even twice a day complimented with good oral hygiene, was found not enough to overcome the problem of sweating which is inevitable during the course of the day.  Therefore, overcoming the body odour due to sweating was one of the considerations.  

The other consideration was by adding little fragrance, one immediately feels in right mood. 

The next was confidence building by not remaining conscious of own body odour throughout the day. There was also a thinking that only looking good is not enough but to attract others,especially the opposite gender, one should have good body smell.

Hence, welcome the antiperspirant and deodorant. 

For representative purpose only.

Antiperspirant helps us in solving the problem of sweating by covering the pores on our skin stopping the process of sweating. 

But as if stopping the sweating was not enough, it was felt necessary to have deodorant that reduces body odour by killing the bacteria living on our skin.  These bacteria when mixed with body sweat creates body odour. 

Thereafter, it was sheer commercial application which brought about so many brands of antiperspirants and deodorants.

Considering the above, one is compelled to think – is it essential to use antiperspirants and deodorants in first place?  Is there any natural remedy for that?

Yes, why not? Sandalwood, essence of fragrant flowers like Jasmine,  Plumeria, Roses, Parijat, Lavender etc. mixed with coconut oil can easily be used.

Application of coconut oil added with little essence of sandalwood and fragrant flowers can easily provide best natural option for antiperspirants and deodorants. The mother nature embraces us with open arms in spite of our tendency of ignoring and neglecting her. We must not forget, no chemicals no harm to our health.

I also feel that having good diet, sound physical and mental health we need not use deodorants and antiperspirants.

One small anecdote here.  My immediate boss, who was a highly qualified officer at national level, once suggested me to use deodorant.  It gives fresh feeling to you and other people you come in contact throughout the day, he said.

I wanted to know whether I gave bad body odour which irritated him. He replied in negative.  I informed him that for me it was sort of having prejudice with other people  using deodorant while interacting with them leading to my own inability to feel the fragrance of their deodorant. It was just like after enjoying one sweet dish we cannot enjoy another sweet dish.  We need to have something salty in between to be able to enjoy next sweet dish.

What is your take?  Your comments please.

 Next time …..

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