Saturday 4 August 2018

Do you know benefits of walking?

Do you know benefits of walking?

I did not know benefits of walking till recently I experienced in my life.

I had picked up practice of 60 push ups every morning to stay fit.  For this I had to make adjustment in my daily tight schedule.  Since 2002 I replaced this daily exercise with Pranayama, the breathing exercises.

But this proved not enough for maintaining my physical fitness as after crossing the middle age, I was diagnosed with High BP and later on diabetic condition due to my stressful work environment and hard daily commuting of about four hours.

Along with medication prescribed by my physician,  I added morning walks in my daily routine in addition to Pranayama.  That too for approximately one hour daily.  Of course, this was possible because now I had retired from my service and was having ample time at my disposal.  I did not know the benefits of morning walk.  

But soon it became obvious.  My tailor complimented me remarking that my waistline has reduced by 4 inches.  I realised that I had not bothered to note down my waistline measurement to compare it with the reading later on.   This was a step ahead towards having good physique. I  must confess  I was pleased with my tailor's compliment.  

It is my observations that so far, by God's grace, I have no symptoms of arthritis, pain in knees, joints, spondylitis, heart problems, which are the most likely pattern while ageing.  So far on one occasion, my physician has reduced power of my diabetics tablets, which is a great compliment and encouragement for me!

And while ageing, we are naturally inclined to have old age where we are not dependent on anybody, we can eat what we want, we can go for a walk whenever we feel to do so and more over we are in a position to enjoy our old age.  I feel very enthusiastic when I get up in the morning eager to meet the day ahead.  With zeal I start may day. This I think is a sign of good and sound health.

Let me share with you the following -

I take care not to mingle with people who often tend to criticise others, always complaining about some body or some thing in their life, who are negative minded.  It is not only waste of time but also likely to affect our own mind and consequent reflection in our own health.

I  prefer people who are always smiling, take matters lightly in the life, are loving and compassionate in nature.

Most importantly, I decided and implemented the idea that the morning time when our mind is fresh, should be utilised for sending right messages to our subconscious mind, which has great influence on our overall health.  For this, I had prepared a few lines of self affirmations which I meditatively repeat in my mind while walking.  This has resulted in my sound body and mind health.

Lot of exposure to morning sunlight is received by me which is good source of vitamin D significant for build up and maintenance of calcium in the body, which is most important need in old age.

Throughout the day I feel energetic, enthusiastic and fresh.

My mind works always in positive direction.

I think in the morning walk, being in the company of the nature I achieve overall rejuvenation of both body and mind.

This is really a great experience.

Some day I will share my experience on mental bath which practice has given me astonishing results.

Next time....


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