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Life transformation
You are right! Life Transformation is challenging, yet very interesting to engage with.
Ultimately it some thing worth to achieve in our own life.
This article explains the meaning of Life Transformation, its significance, the possible hurdles on the path to achieve the same, the secrets that can be practically adapted.
Ultimately it some thing worth to achieve in our own life.
This article explains the meaning of Life Transformation, its significance, the possible hurdles on the path to achieve the same, the secrets that can be practically adapted.
Life transformation
Nature of life varies from individual to individual. Primarily, life is commanded by the four natural instincts of life - Food, Survival, Procreation and Sleep. These are basic characteristics of animal life, no doubt. And being at the next level of evolution we always seek some thing beyond and above these basic instincts. This is reflected in the fact that we human being always try to seek, express, and share happiness with others on the path of fulfillment in life.
And achieving fulfillment in life itself is not the ultimate goal. Even having achieved the fulfillment in life, one faces the problem of what next?
And this path is built on various stages of transformations in our life. And achieving each stage in life is the most difficult yet rewarding phenomena of transformation in life.
Change in our own actions is brought about by using external factors - for example, academic, financial and social status etc. With respective abilities one can bring about a change in life.
We often use to say "Oh, yes, I am fed up with this routine life. Need some change." For this purpose, at least once in a year, we plan grand tour, odyssey, pilgrimage,quest, safari, excursion etc.
Transformation is related to essentially positive aspects that involves identifying, adopting, and modifying own beliefs and bringing them in practice to achieve significant results in own attitude and behavior and consequently overall up-gradation and ease in our life.
Transformation also indicates holistic improvement in our attitude, approach and experiences of own life.
Life transformation
Change and Transformation- The Difference
Change in our own actions is brought about by using external factors - for example, academic, financial and social status etc. With respective abilities one can bring about a change in life.
We often use to say "Oh, yes, I am fed up with this routine life. Need some change." For this purpose, at least once in a year, we plan grand tour, odyssey, pilgrimage,quest, safari, excursion etc.
In the corporate world also, training camps, seminars, conferences are arranged to provide their employees some sort of change from their routine life to ensure their vigor is maintained to keep them engaged in their tasks fruitfully.
Transformation is related to essentially positive aspects that involves identifying, adopting, and modifying own beliefs and bringing them in practice to achieve significant results in own attitude and behavior and consequently overall up-gradation and ease in our life.
Transformation also indicates holistic improvement in our attitude, approach and experiences of own life.
We often learn the wisdom that it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their kids are raised in such a manner that they are placed in life at higher levels - that of educational, professional, social, financial, family and so on. And that this is a significant step in achieving fulfillment in life.
Likewise, we must learn the wisdom that it is the responsibility of every individual to seek transformation in own life for achieving that coveted sense of fulfillment in life.
Life is very challenging. Being too much engaged in tackling day to day life makes one unaware of the things other than those he is engaged with in own daily life. Consequently, one is inclined to believe that life means only those things he experiences and feels on daily basis. And that there is nothing beyond and above that.
Many occasions, one feels that in spite of having every thing in life, - good education, job,lovely spouse, children,wealth,, there is some thing lacking in life.
Even there are individuals who have made enormous wealth in life, they wonder what to do with this wealth? They are also worried that their wealth should not fall in wrong hands. And that they must do some thing to ensure that this wealth be applied for some charity works. Yet, they are not sure what to do? Whom to consult?
And thus, a stage is reached when questions like "Why Life Does Not Make Any Sense?" "Why Life Does Not Have Happy Moments only?" arise in the mind.
This is what is known as spiritual awakening. At this stage, one starts searching for ways to get connected with the divine universal force.
And one starts thinking for better life.
At this stage, a seeker is born. This is a stage when an individual is determined to transform his own life and starts searching the effective ways for achieving the same.
In the contemporary lifestyle, every one wants instant result. But if one is serious about achieving transformation in life, it is advisable better not to expect instant results on this challenging path.
In this challenging exercise, discarding old undesired habits and replacing them by new desired habits is inevitable. And we know very well, old habits die hard.
Achieving transformation in life involves our own determination, consisting of putting efforts to bring about transformation by way of identifying and modifying life values and practicing them in daily life as also many personal sacrifices related to our old habits, temptations, shortcuts.
We must not forget that transformation achieved by sheer hard work, personal sacrifices is sustained for a longer period.
When we achieve transformation in our life, it also brings about significant transformation in the life of our near and dear ones. This is reflected in the standard of living, extent of peace of mind, happy and healthy atmosphere in the family, being connected with own near and dear ones and that coveted feeling of always being in touch with the divine universal force which a religious person addresses as God.
Identifying the old, outdated and unwanted beliefs and values in life and replacing them by newly identified beliefs and values in life that are essentially helpful in bringing about the desired transformation in life is what is internal transformation. This internal transformation guides one's thought pattern, the nature of our behavioral attitude.
Our beliefs and life values are build up right from our childhood. And our thinking and behavioral attitude is based on these beliefs and life values. And the same is reflected in our actual behaving in our day today life.
When internal transformation happens, external transformation naturally takes place without any deliberated attempts from our side.
The secret of an ideal life is having a perfectly healthy life. Let us see what is a perfectly healthy life.
Healthy life indicates -
According to me, a person can be said to have optimal health status if he -
Having ensured perfect health, next step is self-realization. This process has strong analogy with the modern management technique of SWOT analysis.
Generally, every one does not understand the concept of self awareness. So let me explain in detail.
Awareness simply means being aware of things we are connected with, (mostly outwardly things).
In day-today activities, one interacts with the things both he knows and knows nothing. Yoga Nidra, in this context, introduces this self awareness very effectively. And one feels really amazed having so many internal organs, systems, that generally one is not even aware of!
It is an interesting fact that while playing our thumb gets hurt and we suddenly become aware of the existence of our thumb. Till then, we are not even aware of this reality.
In short, unless some thing happens, we do not become aware of the related things.
For effective and easy daily interactions one must be aware of one's self (self aware) and also aware of the things one is interacting with.
One interesting example is giving respect - we do respect people on different counts - due to authority of the person, due to the person's status -family,social, political and so on - due to the person's muscle power etc.
It is interesting to mention that generally we are aware of other's potential strength to cause harm to us. And hence we are on the alert while interacting with such people.
At the same time, we also must be aware of own strength, weaknesses, potentials before deciding to enter into any kind of interaction with others.
Therefore, it is essential to develop self awareness.
At this stage, the seeker starts making self inquiry such as -
Likewise, we must learn the wisdom that it is the responsibility of every individual to seek transformation in own life for achieving that coveted sense of fulfillment in life.
Life transformation
When Does One Realizes the Need to Transform own Life?
Many occasions, one feels that in spite of having every thing in life, - good education, job,lovely spouse, children,wealth,, there is some thing lacking in life.
Even there are individuals who have made enormous wealth in life, they wonder what to do with this wealth? They are also worried that their wealth should not fall in wrong hands. And that they must do some thing to ensure that this wealth be applied for some charity works. Yet, they are not sure what to do? Whom to consult?
And thus, a stage is reached when questions like "Why Life Does Not Make Any Sense?" "Why Life Does Not Have Happy Moments only?" arise in the mind.
This is what is known as spiritual awakening. At this stage, one starts searching for ways to get connected with the divine universal force.
And one starts thinking for better life.
At this stage, a seeker is born. This is a stage when an individual is determined to transform his own life and starts searching the effective ways for achieving the same.
Life transformation
How Long It Takes To Transform our own Life?
In this challenging exercise, discarding old undesired habits and replacing them by new desired habits is inevitable. And we know very well, old habits die hard.
Achieving transformation in life involves our own determination, consisting of putting efforts to bring about transformation by way of identifying and modifying life values and practicing them in daily life as also many personal sacrifices related to our old habits, temptations, shortcuts.
We must not forget that transformation achieved by sheer hard work, personal sacrifices is sustained for a longer period.
When we achieve transformation in our life, it also brings about significant transformation in the life of our near and dear ones. This is reflected in the standard of living, extent of peace of mind, happy and healthy atmosphere in the family, being connected with own near and dear ones and that coveted feeling of always being in touch with the divine universal force which a religious person addresses as God.
What is Internal Transformation?
Identifying the old, outdated and unwanted beliefs and values in life and replacing them by newly identified beliefs and values in life that are essentially helpful in bringing about the desired transformation in life is what is internal transformation. This internal transformation guides one's thought pattern, the nature of our behavioral attitude.
How Internal Transformation is Connected with External Transformation?
When internal transformation happens, external transformation naturally takes place without any deliberated attempts from our side.
How To Maintain Ideal Life?
The secret of an ideal life is having a perfectly healthy life. Let us see what is a perfectly healthy life.
Healthy life indicates -
- sound physical health
- sound mental health
- spiritual progress
Physical Health is most important. We must remember- Health is Wealth!
For this, sufficient exercise is needed - Surya Namaskara (sun salutation), morning walk, Pranayama, breathing exercises, asanas (postures) etc.
One must be aware of-
- own diet - both quality and quantity. We must eat at least four morsels less than actually required.
- half the capacity of the stomach should be filled with solids, a quarter of the capacity with liquids and the rest be left empty for the free movement of gases.
Mental health is equally important but unfortunately not much attention is paid to the same.We need to be careful what we feed our mind. We must be extra-careful of each and every media our mind is exposed to. It means we must be cautious about what we feed our mind while engaging in activities like reading, watching tv, surfing the internet etc.
For this purpose, one must know what is mental bath and its importance to maintain healthy mind.
We must remember that healthy mind ensures healthy body.
Spiritual Progress- About spiritual practice one becomes aware late in life, say in fifties plus. One should get awareness of the same at the earliest to achieve progress on the path of spirituality which is a step to achieve fulfillment in life.
What are the signs of perfect health?
According to me, a person can be said to have optimal health status if he -
- is able to follow the basic instincts of life - ahaara, nidra, bhaya, maithuna (ie food, sleep, survival and procreation) effectively.
- has ability to feel happiness and express happiness.
- is not dependent on medicines on regular basis.
- has a healthy mind.
- is independent both mentally and physically.
- has ability to engage himself in positive acts.
- does not need help from others.
- is able to help others.
- is able to go to sleep at the scheduled time and to get up in the morning as he decides.
- once having awakened in the morning does not simply spend time lying in the bed.
- exercises his mind control to have optimum level of food and sleep.
Having ensured perfect health, next step is self-realization. This process has strong analogy with the modern management technique of SWOT analysis.
Generally, every one does not understand the concept of self awareness. So let me explain in detail.
Awareness simply means being aware of things we are connected with, (mostly outwardly things).
In day-today activities, one interacts with the things both he knows and knows nothing. Yoga Nidra, in this context, introduces this self awareness very effectively. And one feels really amazed having so many internal organs, systems, that generally one is not even aware of!
It is an interesting fact that while playing our thumb gets hurt and we suddenly become aware of the existence of our thumb. Till then, we are not even aware of this reality.
In short, unless some thing happens, we do not become aware of the related things.
For effective and easy daily interactions one must be aware of one's self (self aware) and also aware of the things one is interacting with.
One interesting example is giving respect - we do respect people on different counts - due to authority of the person, due to the person's status -family,social, political and so on - due to the person's muscle power etc.
It is interesting to mention that generally we are aware of other's potential strength to cause harm to us. And hence we are on the alert while interacting with such people.
At the same time, we also must be aware of own strength, weaknesses, potentials before deciding to enter into any kind of interaction with others.
Therefore, it is essential to develop self awareness.
At this stage, the seeker starts making self inquiry such as -
- What am doing?
- What is my potential strength?
- How can I develop them?
- How can I apply them in daily life?
- What are my weaknesses?
- How can I eliminate them?
- Why I am restless?
- What are the causes thereof which should be overcome?
- Where can I get proper guidance for the same?
- Should I look inward or outward?
- What is transformation in life?
- How can I achieve it?
Life transformation
What Are Possible Steps For Achieving Transformation in Life?
Following steps are promising-
- Self Analysis.
- Understanding and accepting the need for having transformation in life.
- Have determination of achieving transformation in life.
- Identifying the values and beliefs presently one is holding.
- Analyzing them vis-a-vis their practicality in the life.
- Identifying the values and beliefs that need to be discarded.
- Identifying the values and beliefs that need to be accepted and practiced.
- Identifying and tapping the sources of information that will strengthen the newly adopted values and beliefs. For this, a seeker can come across various books on the subject- for example - Get Savvi, Inner Engineering by Sadhguru, What If This is Heaven?, Ikigai. In fact, there are a number of books available on the subject significant for able readers.
- Engaging oneself in the meaningful company of sources of wisdom - they can be a spiritual Guru, Books, Old Scriptures (which one should not ignore in an attempt of projecting own image of being a modern fellow). Quality reading. The purpose is to hammer our own mind with the thoughts, values and beliefs that are going to play important role in achieving transformation in life.
- One must not forget that acquiring knowledge when implemented becomes wisdom. And wisdom learnt must be practiced in life on the path of seeking transformation.
- Persuasiveness and consistency in putting efforts therefor is of paramount importance. There should not be lethargy in this respect. In fact, one should be merciless in this respect.
- Must discard old, unwanted (bad)habits and replace them by the required and supportive habits that will support one's own mission of achieving transformation in life.
- Be prepared for personal sacrifices in the form of luxury, convenience and other such temptations.
- Have patience. It is not instant coffee. Wait till the right and appropriate time.
- Go step by step. There is no short cut in the path of achieving transformation in life.
- Do not insist on a Guru in the external world. One can find the best Guru in own self.
- One must practice strict self-discipline.
- Set the proper goals.
- Adopt the proper way for achieving the set goals.
Life transformation
What are the Possible Hurdles on the Path of Achieving Transformation in Life
When one becomes seeker of achieving transformation in life, it is better to be aware of the possible hurdles on the path of achieving transformation in life.
- Lack of determination and preparation.
- Lack of hard work.
- Lack of preparedness to go through sacrifices of personal liking.
- Old undesirable habits.
- Succumbing to the temptations in life.
- Failure to identify proper ideal life values.
- Failure to adhere to the discipline in life.
- Being too liberal to the self in relaxing the newly acquired practices.
- Allowing the self to become topic of the town regarding seeking transformation in life.
- Failure to engaging the self in the company of wisdom in the form of quality reading,and tv, internet and social media.
- Failure to identify the peripheral things and ignoring the things at the center.
- Having misconceptions - like trying shortcut to success. This is due to lack of sarasar vivek ie power of discretion. Remember- Goals achieved with hard work, personal sacrifices, are sustainable in the long run.
Whatever written above is out of my own personal life experiences (and that of others also), observation, learning (this is a continuous process) and being particular to practice the wisdom learnt in the life.
If a common man like me can do this much, any body can do the same easily.
My ardent and able readers are most welcome to read, share this article in any form/social media with their near and dear ones.
Readers are requested to comment on this article to enable me to improvise further. I know it is a continuous process.
Next time .......
Great post! I like your breakdown on the path of transformation and stressing that hard work and personal sacrifices make our goals sustainable in the long run. I will write this down so I remember this everday! Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouraging words. I am sure you will share this fact with your near n dear ones also.��������
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