Books That Will Change Your Life For The Better
And You Will Definitely Read
As my dear readers know well, One's downfall in the life can be avoided by Sarasar Vivek i.e. power of discretion.
For this, quality reading is essential to strengthen Sarasar Vivek i.e. power of discretion.
In this context, I am eager to introduce my dear readers with the books that will change our life for the better.
Of these, the first two books I have read in the recent past and felt that I must keep posted my readers of the same.
1. Inner Engineering- A Yogi's Guide to Joy by Sadhguru
Around the time when I decided to retire voluntarily, certain queries were rising in my mind - like Who I Am ?, What is relation between mind and body and their interdependence, why it is essential to maintain balance and rhythm between them ? What is energy field ? How it can effect us ? What is spirituality?
Post retirement I had enough time to devote to my passionate hobby of quality reading. In that period, my son present the above book by Sadhguru which I eagerly read and got familiar with the transformational concept of Inner Engineering.
This is the powerful practice that enables the reader to synchronize mind and body with energies around and within towards infinite power and the possibilities.
Part Two of this book is significant which contains insightful revelation on Body, Mind, and Energy. The last chapter Joy is really meaningful.
Even a light and casual reading of this book will change one's life for the better.
2. Dying to be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing
Last month only I read Marathi translation of this book. The books is about the author's own experience of her self-realization, her near death experience leading her to a significant insight, her ability to effectively interpret her interaction with the power within and foresee effective cure from cancer, and most important, her identifying the real cause of cancer.
The author, shares her life spectrum right from her birth to her near death experience and back to normal life and the significant changes that she experienced in her post recovery life. All these are really pearls of wisdom related to suffering from cancer, illness, existence of fear in mind, pure love and its tremendous power, and the humanity. And I am sure an avid reader would not like to miss.
3. What if This Is Heaven? How Our Cultural Myths Prevent Us From Experiencing Heaven On Earth.
The Author, Anita Moorjani, after her near death experience as shared in her book Dying to Be Me, shares her insight on truth that is beyond and above awareness of the common people. While dwelling upon the conditioning one is subjected to right from childhood for generations together, and which are assimilated as truth without any inquiry, the author here emphasizes the importance of analyzing this mind conditioning on the way to self realization, and how our cultural myths prevent us from experiencing heaven here itself. And to substantiate the same the author here shares her own experiences in life that lead to revelation of the need to understand the real crux of such upbringing in life.
I have not read this book. But after reading the brief introduction of the book, being eager to read, this book is on my list to read in 2019.
Next time .....
Around the time when I decided to retire voluntarily, certain queries were rising in my mind - like Who I Am ?, What is relation between mind and body and their interdependence, why it is essential to maintain balance and rhythm between them ? What is energy field ? How it can effect us ? What is spirituality?
Post retirement I had enough time to devote to my passionate hobby of quality reading. In that period, my son present the above book by Sadhguru which I eagerly read and got familiar with the transformational concept of Inner Engineering.
This is the powerful practice that enables the reader to synchronize mind and body with energies around and within towards infinite power and the possibilities.
Part Two of this book is significant which contains insightful revelation on Body, Mind, and Energy. The last chapter Joy is really meaningful.
Even a light and casual reading of this book will change one's life for the better.
2. Dying to be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing
Last month only I read Marathi translation of this book. The books is about the author's own experience of her self-realization, her near death experience leading her to a significant insight, her ability to effectively interpret her interaction with the power within and foresee effective cure from cancer, and most important, her identifying the real cause of cancer.
The author, shares her life spectrum right from her birth to her near death experience and back to normal life and the significant changes that she experienced in her post recovery life. All these are really pearls of wisdom related to suffering from cancer, illness, existence of fear in mind, pure love and its tremendous power, and the humanity. And I am sure an avid reader would not like to miss.
3. What if This Is Heaven? How Our Cultural Myths Prevent Us From Experiencing Heaven On Earth.
The Author, Anita Moorjani, after her near death experience as shared in her book Dying to Be Me, shares her insight on truth that is beyond and above awareness of the common people. While dwelling upon the conditioning one is subjected to right from childhood for generations together, and which are assimilated as truth without any inquiry, the author here emphasizes the importance of analyzing this mind conditioning on the way to self realization, and how our cultural myths prevent us from experiencing heaven here itself. And to substantiate the same the author here shares her own experiences in life that lead to revelation of the need to understand the real crux of such upbringing in life.
I have not read this book. But after reading the brief introduction of the book, being eager to read, this book is on my list to read in 2019.
Next time .....
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