Recently I came across the term second-had stress. While learning about the same, I stumbled upon the subject - WHY ARE MIRROR NEURONS IMPORTANT?
Well, let me start.
I was attracted to this topic and as is my practice, I started reading and learning on the topic. And as you know, my dear readers, it is always better to share own learning with others. Because in that process we learn more and more.
Well, let me start.
A neuron is a specialized cell of the brain that transmits signals to other nerve cells.
Oxford Dictionary meaning - A mirror neuron is a brain cell that reacts both when a particular action is performed and when it is only observed.
Mirror neurons are important and significant in the process of imitation which is an essential aspect in the process of learning.
Thus, mirror neuron prompts us to reflect body language, facial expression and emotions of others spontaneously. (Remember, when we see some one yawning, mirror neurons get activated and we also yawn, unknowingly.)
Also, when a smoker happens to see some one smoking, feels immediate strong urge of smoking.
Same things happens when we happen to see some one eating delicious food, or enjoying drink, we do experience the urge to do the same thing.
The reason is that our mirror neurons get activated to make us feel the strong urge to imitate the behavior of others observed by us.
Also, when a smoker happens to see some one smoking, feels immediate strong urge of smoking.
Same things happens when we happen to see some one eating delicious food, or enjoying drink, we do experience the urge to do the same thing.
The reason is that our mirror neurons get activated to make us feel the strong urge to imitate the behavior of others observed by us.
The mirror neurons enables us to become empathetic to reflect the emotions of others. The intensity of this reflecting depends on the relationship of the people involved.
Mirror neuron system -
Mirror neuron system is a group of neurons which are specialized in reflecting the actions and behavior of others.
Mirror neuron system -
Mirror neuron system is a group of neurons which are specialized in reflecting the actions and behavior of others.
Remember ?- Monkeys have tendency of imitating what they see ?
Yes. Monkeys are well known to imitate what they see. In that sense, the mirror neurons in monkeys seem to be very dominating. If we tease a monkey, it will tease us back. If we take a stance of attacking, it imitates our action and threatens back to attack us.
I remember a story of monkeys I had heard in my childhood.
The story of the monkeys and a cap vendor -
There was a cap vendor going to the town passing through a jungle. He was carrying a box containing hundreds of caps to be sold in the market. As per the old tradition he was also wearing one stylish cap. On the way in the afternoon, as he felt hungry, in the jungle he stopped under a sprawling tree and thought it better to have his lunch he was carrying with him, take a nap and resume his travel. After lunch,while relaxing, he naturally fell asleep for a short while. When he got up, he was shocked to find that his bag containing the caps was lying open and the bag was almost empty. He wondered where the caps had vanished when he heard noises coming from above the tree. And there were those monkeys wearing the caps they had picked up from his bag. They were all wearing the caps in the same way the vendor was wearing. And all of them were looking curiously at the vendor.
The vendor was surprised. Yet, now the main concern of the vendor was how to retrieve the caps from the monkeys sitting on the tree branches. He first requested the monkeys with his folded hands. The monkeys promptly reacted imitating his action, folding their hands while sitting on the tree branches.
The vendor was very much disturbed. Next he pleaded and bowed before them saying to return the caps to him. The monkeys imitated his actions without leaving their positions. The vendor tried various ways only to get frustrated observing that only thing the monkeys do was to imitate his actions.
Being a human, of course, he was smarter than them. He thought for a moment and then all of a sudden he removed his cap and threw it in the bag lying beside him. All the monkeys, yielding to the prompting of their strongly activated mirror neurons, imitating his actions, threw down the caps they were wearing on their heads towards the bag. And the vendor sighed out his relief at once and retrieved back all his caps to be sold in the town market and put them securely in the bag. And left them with a shrewd smile on his face.
Mirror neurons and second-hand stress
When our near and dears or colleagues in work place share their feelings of emotional tensions, stress, sadness, our mirror neurons get activated and we also feel their emotions, stress, sadness. This has potential to lead to major stress build up which has potential to harm our health which requires medication to prevent its harmful consequences.
Well, this being a different subject requiring some study, regarding the second-hand stress, next time.
Mirror neurons play important role in human life.
Yes. Monkeys are well known to imitate what they see. In that sense, the mirror neurons in monkeys seem to be very dominating. If we tease a monkey, it will tease us back. If we take a stance of attacking, it imitates our action and threatens back to attack us.
I remember a story of monkeys I had heard in my childhood.
The story of the monkeys and a cap vendor -
There was a cap vendor going to the town passing through a jungle. He was carrying a box containing hundreds of caps to be sold in the market. As per the old tradition he was also wearing one stylish cap. On the way in the afternoon, as he felt hungry, in the jungle he stopped under a sprawling tree and thought it better to have his lunch he was carrying with him, take a nap and resume his travel. After lunch,while relaxing, he naturally fell asleep for a short while. When he got up, he was shocked to find that his bag containing the caps was lying open and the bag was almost empty. He wondered where the caps had vanished when he heard noises coming from above the tree. And there were those monkeys wearing the caps they had picked up from his bag. They were all wearing the caps in the same way the vendor was wearing. And all of them were looking curiously at the vendor.
The vendor was surprised. Yet, now the main concern of the vendor was how to retrieve the caps from the monkeys sitting on the tree branches. He first requested the monkeys with his folded hands. The monkeys promptly reacted imitating his action, folding their hands while sitting on the tree branches.
The vendor was very much disturbed. Next he pleaded and bowed before them saying to return the caps to him. The monkeys imitated his actions without leaving their positions. The vendor tried various ways only to get frustrated observing that only thing the monkeys do was to imitate his actions.
Being a human, of course, he was smarter than them. He thought for a moment and then all of a sudden he removed his cap and threw it in the bag lying beside him. All the monkeys, yielding to the prompting of their strongly activated mirror neurons, imitating his actions, threw down the caps they were wearing on their heads towards the bag. And the vendor sighed out his relief at once and retrieved back all his caps to be sold in the town market and put them securely in the bag. And left them with a shrewd smile on his face.
Mirror neurons and second-hand stress
When our near and dears or colleagues in work place share their feelings of emotional tensions, stress, sadness, our mirror neurons get activated and we also feel their emotions, stress, sadness. This has potential to lead to major stress build up which has potential to harm our health which requires medication to prevent its harmful consequences.
Well, this being a different subject requiring some study, regarding the second-hand stress, next time.
Mirror neurons play important role in human life.
Mirror neurons and child development -
In our childhood, we still remember, we used to imitate our father - standing in front of the mirror, applying and brushing shaving cream on our cheeks - or imitating his dressing style - or imitating mother and instructing our-self how to eat properly etc. Such memories are unforgettable.
A child readily imitates the table manners of own siblings and parents. The younger one without anybody's prompting, imitates and follows the actions and behavior of the elder brother or sister. It is because of this reason, we see many cases wherein in a family all the siblings become doctor or engineer.
In our childhood, we still remember, we used to imitate our father - standing in front of the mirror, applying and brushing shaving cream on our cheeks - or imitating his dressing style - or imitating mother and instructing our-self how to eat properly etc. Such memories are unforgettable.
A child readily imitates the table manners of own siblings and parents. The younger one without anybody's prompting, imitates and follows the actions and behavior of the elder brother or sister. It is because of this reason, we see many cases wherein in a family all the siblings become doctor or engineer.
Mirror neuron lets us to learn through imitation. When we smile at a child, the child smiles back. A child observes and imitates which has its own importance in the process of own growth. Mirror neuron helps a child to imitate what is observed. In this process, a child is able to imitate what it observes. Thus, mirror neurons play important key role in child development.
Mirror neurons and our daily life -
It causes second-hand stress in our life. Mirror neurons get activated in the following way -
- when we happen to see some one yawning, we do feel like doing the same and yes, we do the same without any sufficient reason.
- when our friend, colleague, and near and dear one comes and expresses own sad and unhappy experience, stress, we also get, unhappy and stressed.
- when there is laughter in the group we are interacting with, we also enjoy the experience of laughter. You know the saying - laughter is contagious.
- when we decide to follow certain practices aimed at attaining and maintaining good physical health, we are advised to find similar minded people and pursue our goal in the groups.
Mirror neurons and the teaching profession -
- A good teacher is careful to present positive and healthy emotions
- A good teacher is aware how students imitates them.
- Physically demonstrated examples are easily picked by the students.
- Using the imitation process, good habits can effectively be imparted to the students.
- A good teacher is aware that he is the most likely role model for a number of students who follow his body language, his overall personality which they try to imitate.
- A good teacher is aware that what his students see, they will imitate the same.
Mirror neurons and parenting -
Responsible parents are careful -
- to behave responsibly in the presence of their young children
- to project love, care and compassion to the children which through activating mirror neurons children imitate and pick up the same in their natural behavior.
- to project ideal values in life while interacting with their children.
- to have good manners which through imitation children pick up naturally.
Mirror neurons and role models -
- Every teen is expected to have a good role model to follow as the mirror neurons in the teens get activated and prompt them to imitate the characteristics of the role models in their own life.
- Students are advised to follow ideal role models from fields such as education, science,teaching, national leaders, defense personnel with intention that by activating their mirror neurons students try to imitate and follow them. In this process, students can achieve highest standard of achievements in life. In the process of imitation, students put extra efforts to imitate and follow their role models.
- We observe many teenagers who get dictated by their activated mirror neurons to imitate the behavior and lifestyle of their role models. In the process such teenagers find immense satisfaction.
- For this reason, one is always advised in young age to have a good role model to follow.
Mirror neuron and porn industry -
- Recent estimates show that the porn industry is worth $ 10 Billion !
- Watching porn movie the mirror neurons get activated and the person watching porn thinks that he is having the sex experience. Even there is physical reaction of sexual arousal in the person watching porn movie.
- It is found that mirror neurons get activated by the act observed and also in automatic physical response to the act observed.
Dear readers, I am not savvy on the subject, I am aware, but I always tend to share my learning through experiences with my avid readers.
I hope you have found this article worth and may share with your near and dear ones.
Your comments are most welcome to enable me to improve further.
Next time .......
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