Tuesday, 18 September 2018



The question reminds me of a story heard in my childhood which I still find very much relevant today.
A young swan gets drifted away from it's mother and finds itself with a family of a duck and ducklings. It felt sad, being away from mother, felt its appearance not matching with that of the ducklings and thus was trying to keep itself away from the ducklings.  
The ducklings also started teasing “You are not normal like us. You are not as beautiful as we are.” They even complained to their mother not to extend any love and care to the young swan. It just does not belong to the family.
The young swan gets more sad, depressed and disappointed with self. It wept and wept. But as days passed the young swan bloomed into its  full natural beauty and it realized it has it's own beauty and felt that it is not inferior to them but in fact much superior to them as every body around started ignoring the ducklings and looking at it with due appreciation.
This is life. And the concept of beauty differs from culture to culture,nation to nation. For example in China and Japan a girl with small feet is regarded as beautiful.
In some countries a girl with thin lips is regarded as beautiful.  In African culture, a girl with thick lips seen as beautiful. Thus there are so many different criteria in different countries.  But still,this is not the subject to ponder over.
One has to understand and have ability to understand superfluous aspects in personality of own as well as that of others. And for that matter in life itself.  We have this tendency of giving importance to the superfluous things in life. And we are not aware of this fact.
One must appreciate the really good virtues and try to imbibe them.
For this reason one must be aware of sarasar vivek and ability to discrete between the polar values like truth and untruth,good and bad,right and wrong,and so on. This also enables one to make right choice while making decisions in one's life.
This sarasar vivek enables one to understand as to how much importance is to be given to others'opinion, how to prevent others from influencing one's own life.
Thus, one also realizes that physical beauty is not all unless it is complemented with good behavior, good attitude,good thinking and a lively approach towards others in general and the life in particular.
This also helps in building self confidence which is most important while interacting with others.
This will surely help one to overcome the feeling of inferiority complex due to not being good looking and ignoring humiliating comments of others.

Next time .....

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