Friday, 10 August 2018

How to balance the mind?

How to balance the mind?

Balancing Monkey Mind
Monkey Mind Balancing

image courtsey: pixabay

Why so much importance has to be given to mind?

Well, it is proven fact that healthy mind has direct positive effect on our  physical health. Hence we should not ignore health of our mind. 

It is common experience that when our mind is uneasy or agitated, we prefer not to take important tasks at the hand. With disturbed mind we will not be able to concentrate at things we want to get done by us.  

It is also known that stressful mind leads to blood pressure, diabetes and other such abnormalities. Therefore doctors advise us to avoid stressful activities.

How To Balance The Mind?

Recent study on this subject revealed that unstable mind causes health problems. 

And peaceful mind ensures sound physical health.  

And sound physical health ensures happiness.

And we all are seeking happiness

Obviously, one must take note of this finding that to be healthy one must have stable and  calm mind. Having accepted this fact, let me ponder on the subject further.

Load on the mind-

One can easily remember complaining about the  excess workload one is facing.  Doing different works simultaneously one gets tired and ultimately fails to deliver  the  expected performance. This has strong analogy with our mind.  So, it is important to reduce load on our mind.

How To Balance The Mind?

Now, how to reduce the load on our mind?

Avoiding speaking to our self.

We often see people under stress thinking loudly, speaking to themselves. And they are not aware of the same. This is the stage when mind dominates fully the human behavior.  Such people go on speaking loudly justifying and presuming opposite thoughts continuously.  If we ask them something they immediately become normal. Their mind carry them on like any thing. 

Stop bothering about minor issues unnecessarily. 

This is characteristic of retired people.  Having nothing to do throughout the day, they always find some thing or the other to bother about.  And start comparing with their own old days.  And the mind is restless.

Stop poking nose in other's affairs.

We have tendency that instead of minding our own business, we poke our nose in other's affairs.  Father will interfere in  the affairs of his matured children, issuing unnecessary instruction to sons, daughter-in-law, and so on, thus stressing the mind.

Stop trying to improve others.

To try to improve others is simply waste of time.  Our priority should be self improvement. We must know negative attributes of our nature and try to eradicate them. Applying our entire energy in trying to improve others is simply waste of our own potentials.

Stop comparison and competition with others.

Comparing our  achievement and status in life with that of others only will result in frustration. Competition is another thing by which one tries to compete with other's achievement and status in their life.  And then  the inevitable unnecessary mental labor.

Stop attachment with others. 

Attachment is based on one's emotions.  Stronger the emotions stronger the attachment.  And more the emotions, more the mind is stormy, stimulated. Therefore, minimum the attachment, calmer the mind.

Keep aloof from others affairs.

It is better to mind our own business.

Train the mind to learn concentrating on one issue at a time.

Nowadays, everyone has at least one mobile.  Many have two three mobiles at a time- one their personal and the other given by their employer. And they used to speak simultaneously on two mobiles  thinking that they are impressing people around unaware that they are  exerting  pressure on their mind.  It is simple. Do one thing at a time. 

Do not go on justifying our self.

Some develop the thinking that whatever they think about  some thing, some body is always there to ask their explanation. And assuming this, they go on justifying their thinking, their action etc. This serves no purpose and only increases agitation of the mind.

Avoid people who always complain of some thing or the other.

To complain is a negative aspect which directly affects the attitude of our mind.  If we are in the company of such people, we tend to think like that, our mind gets impressed and starts thinking in similar way.  And what will be achieved by always complaining about some thing or the other.  

Entertain only positive thoughts.

Therefore, wise people advise to go in for satsang which means to listen carefully to good thoughts from the authoritative Guru. But we must not forget that satsang can be achieved by reading quality books.  And reading only is not enough.  One must make endeavor to implement the good thought in our practice.  

Positive thinking helps develop sarasar vivek i.e. power of discretion. 

How To Balance The Mind

To balance the mind, sarasar vivek  must be complemented by ability and willingness to apply the same in our day today life for achieving balanced mind. 

The five sense organs are for us and not the other way around. One should use the sense organs to perceive  the world properly. If the sense organs are allowed to take control, the mind will get astray.

Similarly, one should make own mind to listen to us. And it should not be the other way round.

If we control, our mind is our best friend, otherwise the bitter enemy.

Next time ....

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