Friday, 14 June 2019



The basic idea of stress that it is consequence of our inability to tackle the circumstances we are in, is significant and must be understood properly.
And basis for any circumstances is our own desire and if we fail to fulfill our desire it leads to stress and anxiety. This in turn affects our health inevitably. Therefore controlling own desires is first step towards  stress management.
It needs healthy and efficient mind to be able to decide what are reasonable and natural desires.
Therefore,having healthy mind is important.
I will share here with you the basic idea and significance of having a healthy mind.
If only we are aware of this, we can have a healthy mind which suggests a peaceful, fresh. stress-free mind which is in a continuous state of having ability to tackle day today issues effectively in our life.
Because brain is only instrument of thought and application. And when the mind is healthy, peaceful and enthusiastic, our purpose of stress management will be served.


The effective strategy is to have a healthy mind. 

What to do to have a healthy mind?
You are right, we must also take regular mental bath like we take physical bath every day. And you know, some people take bath twice a day.
I would like you to read my post - WHAT IS MENTAL BATH AND HOW TO TAKE IT?
Briefly speaking, it is to avoid negative thoughts, assimilate good and positive thoughts, giving good diet to our mind regularly, (remember sat sanga ie company of good thoughts and wisdom?) and so on.
We must avoid - 
  • exposure of our mind to negativity in all respects
  • stop seeing good for nothing tv programmes, movies, dramas, internet etc.
  • stop  useless company of people of negative nature
These are examples. One may find more such things  depending on own personality.
Avoiding unnecessary desires is another effective  stress management strategy.
And we must engage our mind in -
  • positive thoughts
  • informative, educative, inspirational tv programmes, movies, dramas etc.
  • quality reading ie reading books of wisdom, inspiration, motivation.
  • engage in sat sang - not essentially physical one, sat sang means to keep mind occupied in any manner effective in getting wisdom of life, positive in all respects.
  • have some interesting  creative hobby.  Mother nature believes in creativity. Creative hobbies like reading, painting, drawing, photography,and the likes.
  • enjoying company of the mother nature.
Feeding the parrot
Feeding the parrot 
Having read the above, I am sure one will be able to apply  effective stress management strategies and engage in stress management activities to achieve the desired results. 

Your comments are most welcome !

Next time .....

Thursday, 13 June 2019



A casual look, and we spontaneously say, PERFECT HEALTHY TREES !

The perfect health is reflected in one's own physical appearance and attitude.

A perfect physical health is one of the  important aspects of having optimal health.


Optimal health includes,besides physical health, mental and spiritual health status.


For developing meaningful healthy habits in life, three aspects are considered here -

  • Physical Health
  • Mental Health
  • Spiritual Progress
Physical health is most important, remember the saying, HEALTH IS WEALTH !

For this sufficient exercise is needed - Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation), morning walk, Pranayama, breathing exercises, asanas etc. 

One must be aware of own ahara ie diet -  both quality and quantity.  
We must not forget to have atleast four morsels less than actually required.

Sound Mental health  is equally important which is not paid attention to.
We need to be cautious of what we feed to our mind.  We must take care about the qualitative aspect in every media our mind is exposed to ie we should be cautious of what we feed to our mind while indulging in activities connected with reading, tv, cinema, internet etc.
For this one must be aware of what is mental bath and its importance to maintain healthy mind.
 We must remember  that healthy mind ensures healthy body.
Further, being aware of meaning and significance of own sarasar vivek helps in adhering to the attitude of developing meaningful habits in life.
Spiritual Progress - About spiritual practice one becomes aware late in life stage,say in fifties plus.One should get awareness of the same at the earliest to achieve progress on the path of spirituality which is a step to achieve fulfillment in life beyond and above happiness.
Having the above awareness, one can apply these basic things in day today life to be able to have the optimal health status in our life.


According to me, as our sarasar vivek suggests,  person can be said to have optimal health status-

  1. if he is able to follow the basic instincts of life - ahaara, nidra, bhaya, maithuna effectively.
  2. if he has ability to feel happiness and express happiness.
  3. if he is not dependent on medicines on regular basis.
  4. if he has a healthy mind.
  5. if he is independent both mentally and physically.
  6. if he has ability to engage himself in positive acts.
  7. if he is able to help others
  8. if he is able to go to sleep in time and also able to get up in the morning as he decides.
  9. once having awakened in the morning  he does not simply spend time lying in the bed,
  10. if he exercises his mind control to have optimum level of food and sleep.

Here I have not taken into consideration the age factor.

So, let us enjoy optimal health.

Next time ....

 BALANCING LIFE'S PRIORITIES  (In this article, discover the importance of balancing life's priorities and find strategies to help y...
