Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Do you use proper spectacles even if you are not bespectacled?

Do you use proper spectacles even if you are not bespectacled?

Bespectacled is adjective of spectacles denoting a person who uses spectacles or eyeglasses. The primary purpose of spectacle is to  solve the vision problem like nearsightedness or foresightedness or both (bi-focal). 

In my childhood, if any child was found wearing spectacles, it would be a topic of hot discussion for the entire neighborhood, treating the same as some abnormality.

I remember, old generation treated it sort of  considerable abnormality if one has to go  even for dental check up.However, with advancement in awareness of health measures etc., in the present days it has now become common exercise, though it proves on occasions quite expensive.

I also remember I had looked sympathetically at one of my classmate who arrived with spectacles on the first occasion.

Further, use of spectacles extended to serve as a safety equipment used while welding, cutting glass and other such  activities where eyes were in risk zone. 

Similarly spectacles also served as a shield for eye protection in sports, two wheeler riding, swimming etc.

Then it was turn of sunglasses which served the purpose of protecting eyes from bright sunlight and ultra violate light.  Further arrived photo glasses which turned darker in brighter light and lighter in low light. 

Parallel to this, commercial application was in full progress.   The market is still full of attractive sunglasses  and frames which enhance one's personality. 

Nowadays, special glasses are used for viewing 3D  films.  Bifocal is for old generation. Nowadays, progressive glasses are widely adopted. Computerization has brought about use of anti glare glasses.
If one observes minutely, one question pops up in mind - Even if  not being bespectacled because of having perfect normal eyesight, is one able to perceive properly what one sees?

The core aspect to be underlined here is one should not wear spectacle of prejudice while looking at the issues before him. It is advisable to remove all spectacles of prejudices before having a look at the things. 

For example, in global reference, we try to perceive a foreigner we come across by his nationality, the characteristic traits and attitude people of his country. This is so  because we know nations  have global image of their people- like their literacy level, their religiousness,  their openness, industriousness, their approach to life in general, how they look at their own freedom and that of other people.  In a way, these are all spectacles we tend to use to look at things we decide to have a look in general and foreign people in particular. And one faces problem when the facts related to a person or thing one sees prove otherwise.

The power of discretion suggests that one should use proper spectacles even if one is not bespectacled.

See the photograph below with proper spectacle and enjoy the nature's beauty!  Is it sunrise or sunset? 

You are welcome to indicate your guessing in the comment box.

Next time .....

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Sarasar Vivek – Power of discretion

Sarasar Vivek –power of discretion.

In this article, I am going to share my experience of a simple application of my sarasar vivek ie power of discretion to achieve significant result related to overall health. 

Power of Discretion
Sarasar Vivek i.e. Power of Discretion

Before that, let me explain what is sarasar vivek.  Sarasar vivek is simply our ability to identify the significance of polarities in values like right and wrong, ethical and unethical, moral and amoral, justice and injustice, natural and unnatural and so on.  

Having understood this significance, we are in a position to make right choice while in the process of decision making.  

And the confidence of having understood the significance of values and then making the right decision prepares us to accept the consequences of the decision we have made.  There is not possibility of shying away from the consequences.

Sarasar Vivek –power of discretion.

The other day, when my son returned from office, I found him in an agitated state of mind. On inquiring, it was revealed that he was annoyed that his superiors were not appreciating the work input of my son in spite of his devotion to his duties.  He was more annoyed because this attitude of his superiors was provoking him to restrain deliberately from putting his best performance.  If only they appreciated his work, he could put full fledged performance.

After delivering him a few words of wisdom out of my own work experiences, I started to ponder over the subject. 

Irrespective of demand of duties and the resultant returns in kind of remuneration etc. one gets, everybody is seeking appreciation of the work done by him.  And if he gets the due appreciation and cognizance, he puts vigorous hard work to achieve the optimum level of performance expected from him.

Sarasar Vivek –power of discretion.

On applying simple power of sarasar vivek, i.e. power of discretion, I thought, why this good aspect of appreciating work cannot be extended to vital organs and systems of our own physical body.  Logical conclusion was that on appreciation, they will also be encouraged to perform to their optimum level, thus help us achieve sound health. After all they are also a living entity. And that was it.

Fortunately (or unfortunately?) last few days I was feeling sort of restlessness in my body system.  So I decided to implement the above idea. The exercise needed my full attention and devotion that was sure, to achieve the expected result.

After resting on my back in shavasana, closing my eyes lightly, I relaxed my body fully by inhaling and exhaling deeply three times.  And brought my awareness at the middle of my eyebrows.  “I am going to see every vital organ of my body to express my gratitude for the devoted performance executed by each of them.” I asserted myself.

And started my inward journey. First it was my nervous system which included my brain, spinal cord, nerves, and sense organs. I imagined to pat my brain in appreciation and expressed my gratitude for its hard work and devotion to duty. 

Next it was my respiratory system controlling the breathing, exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body.  Before appreciating their uninterrupted performance and expressing my gratitude I confessed to have been committing the act of smoking thus suffocating them. And assured them that hereafter I will never even think of suffocating them by my selfish act. Really, expression of gratitude paves way for sound sarasar vivek i.e. power of discretion.

Then I turned to my heart – my most vital body organ working 24x7x365. It was busy in its vital rhythm.  Both my palms embarrassed it lovingly and appreciated its work and expressed my gratitude.   

Then I turned to my digestive system.  First I caressed all my teeth with love, appreciating their service so far they have been rendering. Then my tongue, being most important filter for my food intake, making me spit out unwanted stuff at the entrance itself.  Then I met my intestines, liver, pancreas, patted them in appreciation and expressed my gratitude.

Then it was turn of my genital organ and appreciating its performance, expressed my gratitude.

Then the excretory system –that excretes wastes from my body i.e. by filtering and eliminating from the blood the waste produced by the metabolic process in my body. This system consisted of the kidneys, urethra, ureters, and urinary bladder. I expressed gratitude to each of them.

Then it were my legs. Poor guys, carrying burden of my full body weight throughout.  I told them they must be getting tired.  But still, they were forever prepared to carry on the said burden. I expressed my gratitude for the same.

After all this exercise, I pronounced to myself that I sincerely have expressed my heartfelt gratitude for their performance to each and every one of them. Then again, I took three deep breaths and completed my exercise of expression of gratitude.

Sarasar Vivek –power of discretion.

I was surprised the way I felt inside me, as if all my body systems and organs were rejuvenated and throbbing with enthusiasm and regained their duty zeal.  The restlessness I felt earlier had vanished.

This was the most natural effect of my expression of gratitude for their day today work performance on my overall health.

What do you have to say?

Next time….

Thursday, 19 July 2018



We all have different hobbies, and the fortunate ones have hobby of reading. 

But this should not include reading whatever comes in our access.  

Here, it is expected to apply sarasar vivek i.e. our power of discretion. 

And what is sarasar vivek ? That is ability to understand polarity between the right and wrong, moral and amoral, ethical and unethical, truth and untruth and so on.

Our sarasar vivek will guide us to read the contents which are helpful to our development in a constructive way.  

Having developed our sarasar vivek will enable us to take right decision at right time and prepare us to face the consequences of our decision. 

For this, right way of observation is required.  

For example, have a look  at the photograph below. 

A casual looker will  easily see a full grownup tree with vast spread of branches and displaying lush green nature.  A closer and careful look will reveal many many sheds of color green of the mother nature in full display.  

Only one has to have that interest to look with. And of course, the ability to do so.


different sheds of green
Different Sheds of Green


This, the faculty of looking at the things before us  in all probable angles naturally develops. This will  build and develop the base on which all pros and cons can be weighed and proper decision arrived at  any given situation.  Sarasar Vivek gives us opportunity to make right decision, which is always in compliance with mother nature. viz. obvious choice between truth and untruth, moral and immoral, right and wrong, 

Let us not forget, sarasar vivek will always give us proper guidance in compliance with the mother nature!

Next time .....

 BALANCING LIFE'S PRIORITIES  (In this article, discover the importance of balancing life's priorities and find strategies to help y...
